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Sunday, May 30, 2010

2010/05/27 09:34 - Good morning ^^

Yesterday I only posted a line in the entry, sorry for that. LOL

I forgot about AKBingo, and just gave a notice in the very last minute.

What happen was: I competed with Yukirin in Phrase Museum...
and I won (`・ω・´) lol

Thank you, to those who woke up for me (to watch AKBingo ) despite the sudden notice.
Yesterday was the release date of Ponytail to shuushuu, and thus, after

the theatre show, I had the privilege to take part in singing the first team A version of the song.

I have Jurina's optimism (`・ω・´) or so to say..

eeh yaa, it's a very nice song to dance to !

It make us feel like summer is in full throttle, and therefore, it's a cute song !

Of course, I wore a ponytail.

This year, it certainly feel like ponytail is in vogue.

And then, everyone, please accept AKB48 16th single Ponytail to shuushuu.

after writing the line above, I fell back to sleep lol..

Ah, please don't mind it, I'm okay (`・ω・´)

2010/05/27 00:43 - Quick announcement

Please watch AKBINGO okay (^O^)

2010/05/26 23:40 - Good Evening

Team A show finished (・ω・)

I know today is not the last show but...

I just cried spontaneously....

And what's more, it was during the self-introduction MC time.. (´∀`)

Somehow, right now I can't write any emotionally touching thing about it (´・ω・`)

For now, the only thing I have to say is I love team A.

The picture was taken with Matsui Sakiko chan.

One year working hard together as research students made her a very important nakama (bff) to me (。・ω・)(・ω・。)

Saturday, May 29, 2010

2010/05/26 02:09 - Date with Harukyan ♪ - Part 2

Here is a purikura (sticker picture) of Harukyan and Suuchan !

Today was really fun (^O^)
There's nothing like the basement of "laforet" in Harajuku ! (*)

It's been a while since I was there last time, so it was exciting (/∀\*)

On the way home we dropped by Hanabatakebokujo (**) to have a light meal.

The "collagen ramen" there was sooo tasty ~~
And hey it's good for the skin !

If I have another day off, I want to go there again (・ω・)

There's a team A show tomorrow. yaho~i (surprise ?)'

Finally finally ..... it's Team A second revival show ><

Be looking forward to it (`・ω・´) and oyasumire (goodnite)

Friday, May 28, 2010

2010/05/25 23:55 - Date with Harukyan ♪

I'm here, comimg home `・ω・´

Today I did a lot a lot of shopping !

Approximately.... too many to carry.

As expected, shopping is so much fun (^O^)
And then, as expected, I get along so well with Harukyan (^O^) (*)

Next handshake event, I'll participate (**) with a sweet appearance.
The first day of the event, I'll appear with Harukyan.
Please look forward to it (・v・)ノ

By the way, it's "today's look" time:
This look is designed by onespo !
The name of this look is "Casual Rock" look (。・v・。)

The "Union Jack" (British flag) on the back is a point of this look, I love it.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

2010/05/25 11:57 - Day off (・ω・)

Today is my once-in-a-while day off ♪
So now, I'll go shopping with Harukyan

I'm so looking forward to it (゜ω゜≡゜ω゜)

Come to think of it, yesterday team B show was Kobayashi Kana chan birthday show

Kanachan, happy birthday !

I feel so emotional (´;ω;`)

The part about Mariyannu turned out to be wonderful right, lol (*)

This november, I'll also have a birthday show, I wonder?

Thinking about that, I just can't wait till my turn. (**)

Harukyan subbing for Mayuyu unit yesterday, so I have performed together with Harukyan a lot (^O^) (***)

Although it's pretty hard to see, the picture was actually taken with my unit costume on.

Looks like a white wedding ! (・o・) lol

Monday, May 24, 2010

2010/05/24 14:07 - Hirusumire (Lunch) (*)

Good day (・ω・)

Here I am, having lunch ★
Everyone please check today's Nikkan Sport okay (^O^)

Today, it's my turn to appear in the AKB48 Manifest Corner.
AKB48 Manifest Corner is a project in which, everyday, different member will appear and introduce themselves.

Today, the title writes "The girl who loves journalism, Suuchan" (**)

Sunday, May 23, 2010

2010/05/24 02:10 - Autograph event recap.

First of all, to everyone who came !
Thank you very much (≧∀≦) nyaapi

Amongst whom, there are some people who take time to come from far away... I'm moved (;ω;)

I really really want to travel around Japan to meet everyone, really.

Just as I thought, I really love this kind of events.

I naturally become energetic (^O^)

When someone call me, even if it's just a word, I feel soo haaappy

I'll do my best at work, with a lot of energy !!

I can't say enough how grateful I am, but anyway, thanks again !

After this, knowing that everyone thinks about me, I have a reallly gentle feeeling ~~ (´∀`)

You all stood in the line waiting for a very long time, it was tiring, right... you guys were so kind ><

Today, please take your time to sleep

There was so much laughter and fun today, right.

Tomorrow I have to prepare for team B show, so I'll go to bed now (σω-)。о゜
Oyasumire ~ (goodnite)

2010/05/24 00:27 - Today's look

I've just got home a while ago
I came home carrying a lot of happiness !

I'll do a recap on the autograph event after this...

For now, it's outfit of the day corner !!

Today, it's completely Fint (。・v・。)

The big pink ring (on my finger) is also a point in this outfit.

Talking about clothes, I received a lot of opinions, thank you very much (^O^)

If possible, please give me your recommendation on clothes everyday okay

Just as I thought, I can't stop trying to be lovely ♪ (*)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

2010/05/23 09:36 - Good Morning

Evryyyyoneee, wookeee up yet ?

Today, let's try our best okay (^O^)

Come to think of it, what should I wear for today...

Yesterday, my clothes was kind of girly, in response to the requests (・v・)

It gave a sweeeeeet feeeling.

I'm 16, so it is okay that way right ? right ? lol

About the clothes for the handshake event next week, I will go shopping with Harukyan (^O^)

Where can I find some good ones? I really want to know, so today, everyone please tell me okay?

The picture was during team B show, taken with Masuda Yuka chan (・ω・)

Recently, we often talk with each other ♪

2010/05/23 01:13 - Best combination

I met Matsui Jurina chan of SKE48

I can only meet her at these events ne (・A・)

Pretty much long time no see, therefore, we were like *gyuugyuu* when we met. (*)

In this picture, Jurina looks like a boy isnt it /// (**)

So, from now on, everyone please be kind to Suu-Aya combination as well as Suu-Juri combination, okay (´・v・`)

And then, tomorrow, everyone, let's meet again at the Makuchou exhibition (***)

Oyasumire (・ω・) (****)

I'll try my best to wake up early

2010/05/23 00:47 - Autograph session!

Good evening (・ω・)
The autograph session was from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM !
To all who came, thank you very much .

It was really fun (^O^)

Things like

"I've read your blog ~ "
"I commented on your blog ~"
"Congratz on your promotion ~"
"Your handwriting is nice ~ "

They makes me reeaaally happy !! (/∀\*)

And then today, I could meet the person I like !
Ayarin, Kikuchi Ayaka-chan of Watarirouka hashiritai

From the time we were research student, she was my best friend (・v・)
Ayarin is always full of energy and lively, therefore, it's so much fun to be around her.

From now on, I plan to blog a lot ♪

So team B first days concluded, hence, I think I'll soon be able to play around a bit.

2010/05/22 08:12 - Team B ★

Good morning (^O^)

So yesterday was team B 5th stage [Theatre no megami] first show.

Really, when it's fun, time went by really fast you know (・v・)ノ

Kira kira (glittering) sweat feels good, doesnt it.

Im really grateful to all the fan who gave us their support, the theatre staff and my fellow team B members.

Thank you very much (^O^)

So with this, I, from a research student, has become an official member !

I have my own position!!! I have my own costume !! omg Im so happy !!!
I will cherish it (。・ω・)(・ω・。)

By the way, my unit feels like "Heidi of the Alps"right.. (**)
But that's exactly what idol song is (・Д・)

When it's neat and tidy it's veeerrry cute ! (*)

Oh, my fellow unit members were Mayuyu and Maachan~

Next time we perform, I'll take some picture ne♪

Today is autograph session, just so you know.

I want to hurry up and meet with everyone (/∀\*)
Im going out. Bye bye

2010/05/21 19:00 - Hajimemashite ! (*)

Good evening everyone (^O^)
This is Suuchan, Satou Sumire from team B of AKB48 !
From today on, I start my blog on Ameba.
That's what I've been wanting to do, you know (・v・)

So from now on please drop by, visit my blog everyday okay♪

Although sometimes, I may post some whimsical stuff... lol

Okay, truth is! Today, starting 7:00PM, is the new team B first show

Set list title is [Theatre no megami] (Goddesses of theatre) !

Although I'm nervous, I will do my best (^O^)

Please be looking forward to it !