Today is my once-in-a-while day off ♪
So now, I'll go shopping with Harukyan
I'm so looking forward to it (゜ω゜≡゜ω゜)
Come to think of it, yesterday team B show was Kobayashi Kana chan birthday show
Kanachan, happy birthday !
I feel so emotional (´;ω;`)
The part about Mariyannu turned out to be wonderful right, lol (*)
This november, I'll also have a birthday show, I wonder?
Thinking about that, I just can't wait till my turn. (**)
Harukyan subbing for Mayuyu unit yesterday, so I have performed together with Harukyan a lot (^O^) (***)
Although it's pretty hard to see, the picture was actually taken with my unit costume on.
Looks like a white wedding ! (・o・) lol
(*) according to memolist, some tsundere plot made Mariyannu cry.
ReplyDelete(**) そうやって考えると待ちきれないな - not sure
(***) まゆゆアンダーでユニットだけはるきゃんが出演したりと、盛り沢山な公演でした(^O^) - not sure...